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Despite the prevailing sentiments of open markets and privatization of previously protected legal and natural monopolies, the industry and legislators are increasingly focusing on getting the necessary regulatory framework right. Access rights, investment incentives, industry separation interfaces, allowable information rents, commitments and risks of regulatory capture are important issues to resolve in modern regulation. SUMICSID has experience in working with the energy industry and regulators to develop modern incentive based regimes, where recent research on activity planning theory, agency theory and efficiency analysis is employed. By carefully modelling, benchmarking and analyzing the industry, important managerial and regulatory information may be generated.

SUMICSID associates are continuously engaged in projects for energy network and access regulation; electricity and gas distribution, district heating, electricity cogeneration, waste disposal and electricity and gas transmission networks. Projects usually include feasibility studies, efficiency assessments to estimate size of rents, data collection and analysis, procedural development, training and implementation support. Among the clients we find the national regulatory authorities of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland in addition to the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the European Commission.

SUMICSID also manages the international transmission system operator benchmarking project e3GRID+. The project website is protected and access is given only to participants. If you need access to the site and has not been awarded an account, please contact Associate BENINTENDI The benchmarking draws on the Charter of Accountability and results from the study is published subject to regulators' approval.

Some selected research publications by the associates of SUMICSID will be available for download in Adobe PDF and Microsoft PowerPoint format. The authors reserve all rights to their work and all copyright laws apply.



Regulatory Funding of Transmission System Research and Development in ENTSO-E Countries
Agrell, Benintendi
White paper for ENTSO-E on how to implement the Third Directive's provisions for TSO research and development, 2013.


Network Regulation for The Low-Carbon Economy: Objectives and Instruments
Agrell, Bogetoft
Research paper for EnergiNorge, Norway, on the evolution of network regulation for a low-carbon transition, 2011.



Development of benchmarking models for German electricity and gas distribution
Agrell, Bogetoft
Final report on the efficiency benchmarking model for electricity and gas distribution operators in Germany, for the regulator Bundesnetzagentur, 2007.



Analogous efficiency measurement model based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Syrjänen, Agrell, Bogetoft
Final report on a stochastic frontier analysis model to validate the efficiency benchmarking model for electricity distribution operators in Finland, for the regulator EMV, 2006.



Evolutionary Regulation: From CPI-X towards Contestability
Agrell, Bogetoft
Position paper for ENCORE, research institute of the Netherlands competition authority and University of Amsterdam, 2004.



Dynamic Regulation
Agrell, Bogetoft
Final report on regulatory reform of electricity distribution for the Norwegian regulator NVE, 2003.



Use of Menu of Incentive Contracts
Agrell, Bogetoft
Prereport on the use of incentive menus in electricity distribution regulation for the Norwegian regulator NVE, 2003.



Benchmarking for Regulation
Agrell, Bogetoft
Report on pre-project on the regulatory benchmarking in electricity distribution regulation for the Norwegian regulator NVE, 2003.



Ex post Regulation
Agrell, Bogetoft
Report on pre-project on the use of ex post elements in electricity distribution regulation for the Norwegian regulator NVE, 2002.



Integrated, Parallel Energy Regulation
Agrell, Bogetoft
Report on research project on the use alternative technologies in energy distribution for the Norwegian regulator NVE, 2002.



Charter of Accountability for Transmission Operators
Agrell, Bogetoft
Final report in the international TSO benchmarking projekt, 2002.



An Alternative TSO Maintenance Model
Agrell, Bogetoft
A note on a partial efficiency measurement method for TSOs. Working Paper.



Ekonomisk Nätbesiktning
Agrell, Bogetoft
Final Report on Electricity Distribution for the Swedish Energy Administration. Modelling, implementation and analysis of DEA efficiency for Swedish electricity distributors. Policy recommendations summarized. (150 pp. with appendixes, Swedish, Sep 13., 2000). Click here for ZIP-archive




Dynamic DEA
Agrell, Bogetoft, Tind
Multiperiod DEA Incentive Schemes for Electricity Distribution. Our statement on rolling horizon incentive regulation, including a comparison with the Norwegian system.