Senior associate, professor Peter Bogetoft is a leading researcher in the mutlicriteria decision modelling, efficiency analysis, contracting and agency mechanisms.
He has been written four books, numerous papers, book chapters and contributions to scientific conference proceedings, and also given
invited talks and addresses. Frequently invited to perform joint research at Yale University, University of Californina, INSEAD, Catholic University of Louvain, he makes also tours lecturing on current topics. Organizer of international scientific conferences since 1984, editor, keynote speaker, plenar participant, discussant at numerous confernces. Coordinator of research groups and major grants at national and international level. Professor Bogetoft was awarded the Tietgen Gold Medal in 1991 for outstanding achievements in the field.
- 1994, Dr.merc. (habilitation) in economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- 1983, M.Sc. (cand.scient.oecon) in mathematical economics, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Productivity Analysis and Performance Measurement
Development of measures and benchmarks for assessment of operational efficiency, using non-accounting economic indicators and physical data. Generalized convexity approaches and analogies between planning theory and performance measurement. Regulatory design using DEA and agency theory, opportunistic behavior under DEA control, information structures and reporting.
Industrial Organization
Modelling and studies of producer cooperatives from a managerial and micro-economic viewpoint. Applications of game theory and market theory to cooperatives operating under imperfect competition. Theoretical and applied contributions to contracting under various governance regimes and asymmetric information.
Incentive Systems
Development and unification of theories for incentive systems under risk and asymmetric information. Mechanisms to induce truthtelling under regulation and institutional short-sightedness..
- 2007 - , (Full) Professor of Applied Microeconomics, Dept of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- 2012 - 2013, Visiting Researcher, Yale School of Management, Yale University, USA.
- 1998 - 1999, Visiting Researcher, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California at Davis, USA.
- 1995 - 2007 , (Full) Professor of Managerial Economics, Dept of Economics, University of Copenhagen (KVL), Denmark.
- 1994 - 1995, Visiting Researcher, Yale School of Management, Yale University, USA.
- 1990 - 1995, Associate Professor of Systems Science, Institute of Computer and System Sciences (DASY), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- 1988 - 1990, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Computer and System Sciences (DASY), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- 1986 - 1987, Visiting Research Assistant, Yale School of Management, Yale University, USA.
- 1984 - 1990, Doctoral Student, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor in Management and Microeconomics, Department of Management,
Odense University, DK (on leave 88-90).
- 1984, Assistant Professor in Operations Reseach , Department of Operations Research, Aarhus University, Denmark.
pb@sumicsid.com (consulting)
Currently active at Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.